Friday, June 17, 2011

Bodiverse is Back!

My Neuro Detour hasn't found its highway yet, and it's more likely I've become a POW of my own body, mind, and society's ignorance and bigotry... but that's for another time.

Along the Detour, I immediately lost my body and mind - my dance and my poetry - my entire universe, my bodiverse. They're still doing their own thing, but I've come to terms with the moment.

After a year without any creative outlet, I moved on from my project doodles and sketches to painting and collage and cane designing - when I could. And eventually, I accepted the encephalytic, TM, MS, RSD brain of mine as it was and allowed it to find its own creative voice. It was absolutely pointless to try to write and read and speak like I did pre-Neuro.

Every day, or minute, or let's stick with the concpt of moments , my body speaks a new language, moves (stumbles, falls, or lays bed-ridden) with such improvisation, I don't recognize myself most of the time. The closest I come to dancing is cane dancing, vertigo, and my falls - no longer choreographed. Even my bones speak a new language - aged and brittle with Osteoperosis and Osteopenia from repetitive treatments like IV steroids, meds, and the disease processes - don't ask me how.

There's a lot of verse left in this body - broken and fragmented as it is.

And, until recently all of that verse has been exposed on paper as experiential imagery or writings of all sorts and styles.

Surprisingly, people liked my art, and even bought it, and that's how we come full circle here. And I hope to stay, and come back - as frequently as my body and mind allow.

But for now....


Thanks to James Oliver Gallery, a new outlet of the bodiverse project - in the form of a 35-minute non-video-art-video-art work, Bodiverse for James Oliver Gallery (I), premieres tommorrow (Saturday, June 18, 6-10PM) in the JOG FEMME show.

I've posted details about the show on Neuro Detour.... I'm writing blindly here (need my treatment). So, I'll make this short and throw in an image, and keep you updated on how things go.

I've missed you bodiverse,

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