Monday, April 23, 2007

Documentary Photography: 4.1.07-4.15.07

Photographer: Sayaka Ueda

Some of these photographs were color-enhanced by Sayaka. Some have been or will be included in the video poems.

I almost didn't include the color-enhanced photos in this slide show because they heighten the reddish mottling of my skin, which is called Livedo Reticularis. This imperfection embarasses me. It is, of course, just a physical imperfection, and should not trump emotional and mental imperfections. So, I must admit that I am embarassed that I am embarassed by a physical imperfection, which has become an emotional-mental imperfection in that I am vainly embarassed by its existence in all realms of imperfection.

Including the color-enhanced photographs is my attempt at overcoming body-censoring, an act, which I define at the moment as: censoring one's own perception, reception, expression, or representation of one's own or another's body.


Livedo reticularis is a blue-reddish skin discoloration and most often localized in the lower extremities. The pathological mechanism of this is poorly understood. Probably it is related to the peripheral blood flow redistribution. Livedo reticularis mostly represents an idiopathic condition but may be associated with systemic diseases.